Matthias Kahlert's XTernal Collection v1.0 More Infos… This stack and the XTernals in it are postcardware. If you like them or if you use then in your own stacks, please send me a postcard of your hometown or some other small donation. If you have any questions, if you find any bugs or if you have new ideas, just contact me! I can be reached by E-Mail at or (please only mails smaller than 32 Kilobytes) or via SnailMail (normal mail) at Matthias Kahlert, Haidauer Straße 79, 93073 Neutraubling, Germany. Or you can visit my HyperCard Homepage in the World Wide Web at http:// ................................................................................................................................ Thanks to all my beta-testers and all the other people, who helped me to develop these XCMDs and XFCNs. I got many new ideas for XTernals from HyperCard users all over the world, and I also could manage to realise some of them. The results can all be found in thes XTernal Collection. Most of the source codes for the XCMDs and XFCNs are included in this stack. You can access them with the button “SourceCode”. If that button is dimmed, the source code is not available. ................................................................................................................................ You can surely understand that I can't make any waranties pertaining an error-free function of this stack and the scripts and XTernals in it. In no event shall Matthias Kahlert be liable for any consequential, indirect or similar damages, including but not limited to any lost profits or lost data arising out of the use or inability to use this stack and/or it's resources. You use this stack on your own risk. If you decide to copy parts of it into your stacks, you have to mention my name and copyright in the credits-dialog of the stack or application.